Welcome to Iowa Skyview Photography.
Your go to place for all forms of drone photography
Prints are available in many sizes and formats. They are made from the original 20 megapixel files. Files that are suitable for websites, like here, are a much lower resolution. A 24″x36″ print from these higher resolution files show no degradation from magnification. You can even almost read license plates photographed from 200 feet up.
Featured Flights:
2/28/2025 A corn stalk fire occurred NE of Vicker Pony Farm. It stretched from 120th to near Green Valley State Park.
2/28/2025 Stalk Fire
4/26/2024 Multiple Tornadoes struck Union County. Spent the weekend flying for the Union County Emergency Management Agency. Seven sites. These are the two public buildings.
Three Mile Lodge and Office
8/31/2024 SIRWA Water Treatment Plant
08/17/2024 Creston Solar Array and Neighbors.
09/16/2023 Creston Balloon Days Night Glow
03/04/2023 Lincoln School (Closed)
03/04/2023 Union County Historical Village
9/17/2022 Class of 77 reunion photos
8/7/2021 McKinley Park Bridge at Night
9/15/2018 Creston High School – Sports Complex
Want an aerial photo of your home, farm or business, but when you are ready, not when the plane happens to fly by? We can schedule a date and time when the weather is right and your property looks the way you want it captured. Then you get the picture that looks the way you want to show it off.
Drone photos can show unique before and after images of landscaping or remodeling projects.
With an aerial photo of a neighborhood, you can show how a new building will fit in. You can even have your architect apply a 3D drawing right over the photo.
Having a large outdoor gathering or event? An aerial photo provides a unique recording to cherish for decades.
With our drone we can do a visual assessment of roofs, towers and fields. We can provide still shots or video of the review. You can even watch live on our linked TV and guide the pilot on what you are interested in seeing.
Aerial pictures and videos of real estate can make a dramatic addition to a sales presentation. Give yours that extra thing that will make the sale happen. Take a look at what we did for Dave and Kathy Rieck and their sale of 160 acres of pasture.
With a drone, we have to stay lower than an airplane can go. Thus we get closer and more detailed pictures and video. Plus we can maneuver more freely. And with you watching live, on our linked TV, you know right away that we get the shot or video that YOU want.
Videos are recorded in high definition 4K. They are edited down to 320p or occasionally 740p resolution to display smoothly on web sites. Still pictures are 4000×2250 20Megapixel. Again they can be edited down to an appropriate size for web presentation.
The FAA requires that any drone flown for anything other than hobby use under a Community Based Organization’s safety rules, is done by an FAA certified Remote Pilot. The FAA takes safety very seriously and the rules that we must fly a drone under reflect that.
I have both a Private Pilot and Remote Pilot certificates and am insured. I have been a photographer and videographer for over 40 years. I formed Iowa Skyview Photography in November of 2016 when I got my Pilot certificate so that I could provide my services using my done to the public.
All pictures link to a larger version, so click away.
Prints and Posters from the full 20 Megapixel files are available. Stills can be captured from the videos as well. Give me a call or use the contact form to let me know what you are interested in and I’ll get back to you with pricing.
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3 Mile Lake stills

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